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Virtually Swoon with us!

Due to the current state of the world, Swoonland is open by appointment only. But if you’re unable to come into the shop at this time, we have another option! 2020 Brides, we are looking at you, babes!


Step 1:

Submit your virtual appointment form below!


Step 2:

Connect with a Swoonie and be ready for some ‘Swoon-work!’ Do some research on dresses you love, visit our IG page, look at designers we carry, and visit our Pinterest page for some extra magical inspo! ✨


Step 3:

Virtual appointment time✨

Meet with your Swoonie godmother (remotely of course), see the dresses we have in the shop, explore your options, and of course make a lifelong friend!

We will discuss measurements, alterations, customizations, and try the gowns on a mannequin for you to see.


Step 4:

Once you’ve completed your virtual appointment, we will figure out your next steps! Whether you’ve found the one or would like a chance to see her before taking the leap, we’ve got you!

You’re in great hands!

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Step 5: