let's swoon

Wanna get social?

Follow us for lots of Swoon eye candy @swoonbridal 

Additional Questions, Comments or Concerns?

Is there anything in particular you would like us to know before your visit? We’d love to get to know you or field any questions or concerns before your Swoon-y visit.

Would you be interested in scheduling a pre-shop?

This is where we have you in solo (or with your mama or MOH) to browse the gowns and talk one-on-one with a Swoonie to dip your toes before the day you come in with your group. We usually schedule these for 15 minutes to a half hour on weekdays and it’s just time to get to know one another and let you have some time with us to get comfortable with the store before you dive in on your appointment day. We know dress shopping can bring on the anxiety and we want to give you the option to ease in! 

How'd you find us?

List an option: Instagram, Google, Facebook, Pinterest, Website, From a friend or family member, Other. If other, please tell us more!

Preferred Method of Contact: 

We like to give you a quick call and so we can chat with you and learn your story. We find it’s the best and quickest way to plan your time with us.
Phone Call
Text Message

Preferred Date for Swoon Visit:

Who's Invited?

We can welcome 1-5 adult guests at this time. Please note here if you are interested in booking a Private Swooning for more guests.

What is your typical size in clothing?


Our collection of gowns here at Swoon range from $2,000 to $6,000. Be honest here! We treat all budgets equally and we want to find you the very right thing!

wedding venue:

Type of appointment:

Select one option: Swoon Bridal Appointment (1hr 30min)
Another Round at Swoon (1hr - 2nd Visit)
Private Swooning (2 hours)
Gown Tasting Appointment (45 mins)
Magic Hour/Limited Timeline (1 hr)



wedding date:


Schedule with Swoon • Appointment •


* Please don’t let this question scare you! We love dressing brides of all sizes. We simply want to be as prepared as we can for your visit!

Also note whether you prefer mornings or afternoons! Please remember we are closed on Sundays.